
聖經都是 神所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的, 叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。『提摩太後書3:16-17』

华人福音基督教会 • 德恩堂

以賽亞書59:21 耶和華說:「至於我與他們所立的約乃是這樣:我加給你的靈,傳給你的話,必不離你的口,也不離你後裔與你後裔之後裔的口,從今直到永遠;這是耶和華說的。」(和合本) Isaiah 59:21 "As for Me," says the LORD, "this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants' descendants," says the LORD, "from this time and forevermore." (NKJV)

今日讀經 Bible Reading Today
2024-12-09 • 但 Dan 7, 8, 9

2022 北卡华人福音基督教會秋季退修會 9/3-5

2022 CCMC Fall Retreat 9/3-5

  • 地址 Address
  • 主題 Theme
    • 「作主門徒」Discipleship to The Lord
  • 中文講員
    • 劉傳章牧师Rev. Jonathan Liu
  • English Speaker
    • Pastor Ivan Yu

退修会日程安排 Retreat Agenda

  • (一)9/3 7:30pm-9pm 门徒的呼召(马太福音4:18-22)
  • (二)9/4 9am-11:00am 门徒的学校(马太福音11:28-30)
  • (三)9/4 11:10am-12pm 门徒的十架(路加福音9:23-26)
  • (四)9/4 7:30pm-9:00pm 门徒的顺服(路加福音6:46-49)
  • (五)9/5 9am-10:30am 门徒的顺服(约翰福音13:1-17)+ 见证与回应


劉傳章牧師為韓國華僑,十九歲信主。得救後即蒙神呼召他全時間事奉, 並接受神學訓練。他曾獲得香港建道神學院神學學士, 乃亞大學宗教學士, 匹茲堡神學院宗教碩士, 首都神學院道學碩士, 暨自由浸信會神學院教牧學博士學位。




Pastor Ivan Yu

Pastor Ivan Yu serves as the Youth Pastor at the Chinese Gospel Church of Massachusetts in Southborough. He previously served as the English Pastor at the Chinese Christian Church of Greater Albany in New York from 2016 to October 2020. He holds a Master of Divinity from the Northeast Branch of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and is studying for a Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University. Pastor Ivan is very passionate about preaching God’s Word and equipping the church to defend the Christian faith for effective evangelism. He is happily married to his wife, Joyce, and they have a daughter named Olive and a son named Davian. Pastor Ivan enjoys reading, writing, playing piano by ear, audio/video editing, and watching Anime.