

华人福音基督教会 • 德恩堂

赛6:3 彼此呼喊說:「聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,萬軍之耶和華!祂的榮光充 滿全地!」(和合本) Isa.6:3 And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” (NKJV)

今日讀經 Bible Reading Today
2025-02-04 • 出 ex 34 35 ; 可 mrk 7 ;

2021 Christmas Kid Operation 聖誕鞋盒行動

A Family Event

  1. Pick up a box at church
  2. Indicate which gender and age the box is for
  3. Bring the box(ex) back to church by Sunday, November 14
  4. Pay $9 per box either online with the label, or attach a check with the box(es)

Testimony 見證

Guide 指南

Christmas Kid Operation Guidance