帖撒罗尼迦后书1:12 叫我們主耶穌的名在你們身上得榮耀,你們也在他 身上得榮耀,都照著我們的神並主耶穌基督的恩。(和合本) 2 Thessalonians1:12 that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. (NKJV) (這禮拜背誦默想經文)
今日讀經 Bible Reading Today
2025-01-10 •
创 gen
太 matt
2020平安夜烛光崇拜Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 12/24
Let us celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ